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Search - Basic Features
Search - Basic Features

The Standard Search feature makes it easy to find content and load it into a project.

Laura Higley avatar
Written by Laura Higley
Updated over a week ago

The Standard Search feature makes it easy for you to find content and load it into a project because it allows you to search by fields, tags, or Revit parameter data.

First, you’ll click on the magnifying glass in the upper left-hand corner of the screen.

Next, you’ll type in what you are looking for.

A useful aspect of the search lookup is the Common Industry Synonyms feature. This prevents you from having to type in a specific word to get a specific result. For example, if you type in “AHU”, you’ll get the same search results as if you typed in “air handler.”

To the left of the search bar, you will see which Collection you are searching. In the example below, “All Collections” is selected. To change that selection and search a specific Collection, simply click on the All Collections button to select a specific Collection or channel.

To specify the field you want to search, select the toggle icon that is within the search bar.

You’ll then be able to select which fields you want to search in.

If you type in a tag name with your search term, Content Catalog will find content that matches both of those criteria. For example, you could search for "Hospital bed" and Content Catalog would find all beds that fall under the "hospital" tag.

Additional Filter

You can also select the Filters button to the right of the search bar to customize your search even more.

Then select the filters that you’d like to search by.

If you type two terms in the search field, then Content Catalog will find content with both of those terms (in other words, it uses "and logic"). However, you can also use the following terms in green below to apply more specific criteria.

  • Couch OR Sofa – This will find content with either item Couch or Sofa

  • Cabinets !Upper - This will find content with Cabinets and not Upper

  • Cabinets "3 Drawer" - This will find content with both Cabinets and the exact Phrase, 3 Drawer.

If your search result brings up far too many or too few results, we recommend that you double-check that you selected the appropriate Collections, search fields, and filter properties.

How to Search for Content with a Particular Measurement Unit

If you'd like to search for content with a particular measurement unit, you can use a filter like below.

Reviewing Search Results

If you click on the Size and Display icons in the upper right corner of the screen, you can change how your search results appear. You can display your results in a grid, row, or detail layout. In a grid or row display, you can view the metadata for your content results.

You can view star ratings, tags, which Collections it belongs to, and more. If you need more information on the family, you can click on the name to view more.

You can click on the tabs to view the different family types and their parameter data before bringing it into your project or even opening it in Revit.

Once you’ve confirmed that this is the family that you want in this project, you can click on the insert button.

Content Catalog then downloads that family from the cloud and loads it into your current Revit project. It immediately puts you into the placement view in Revit to allow you to place the family into your project. You can use your cursor to select where you want that family to go.

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